I work for the client, and their interests at all times.  I do not take commissions, introduction fees, or any renumeration whatsoever from any company/supplier I introduce to the client.

I tell the client what they need to know, not what they want to hear.

I’m flexible but I do require written instructions; it protects me and the client from misunderstandings.

I require a single point of contact.

I require that suppliers terms of payment are adhered to – it protects my reputation, and allows me to call in favours for my clients with suppliers.

Suppliers that I recommend understand that they are only as good as their last job.

Constantly moving goal posts do happen with startups; it’s why I build infrastructures, processes and practices that scale down as well as up.

There are some red lines; implementing industry best practices, complying with the law, health/safety regulations, and showing respect for all stakeholders.